Poached Cinnamon Plums with Greek Yoghurt, Honey & Toasted Hazelnuts

This is a dead simple, dead quick dessert which satisfies a sweet tooth whilst managing to include one of your five a day – bonus! You could also have this for breakfast too – maybe with a sprinkling of granola. There are many recipes like this in any standard cookbook, though this is based on none in particular and therefore any similarity is purely coincidental!

Serves 4-6

The Poached Fruit
8 Mixed Ripe Plums (you could also use nectarines, or a mix of the two)
2 Cinnamon Sticks
Zest of 1 lemon
Zest of 1 orange
1 tablespoon unrefined golden cane sugar
1 tablespoon honey

To serve
500g tub of Greek Yoghurt (a generous dollop or two for each serving)
Toasted Hazelnuts (or toasted flaked almonds – either is delicious)

1. Quarter the plums and de-stone and place in large pan
2. Pour in the sugar, zest, cinnamon sticks, honey and just enough water to cover the plums and slowly bring to bowl
3. When it reaches the bowl, reduce heat and simmer, until the fruit is soft, but it retains its shape
4. Using a sieve, strain the juices off the fruit into a bowl, then place the fruit in a clean bowl, and return the juices to the pan (together with the cinnamon sticks
5. Simmer the juice down further until there is only about half left (taste the juice at this time and if it is too sharp, you can add more sugar/honey to taste)
6. When the liquid has reduced by about half, turn off heat, and pour over fruit and leave to cool.

To serve
1. Spoon yoghurt into bowl
2. Using a slatted spoon, put 3 or 4 quarters of plum into each bowl, then spoon over some of the plum juices
3. Sprinkle over nuts


Note – you could adapt this recipe and poach the plums in red wine and spices (cinnamon and cloves/mulled wine spice sachets) and serve with ice-cream for a more autumnal flavour
