Epicurean Travel

I love to travel as much as I love to eat. This section of my blog combines those two loves to create a foodie guide to the destinations I’ve most recently travelled to.

Before setting off on a trip I spend hours researching restaurants and bars, seeking my inspriation from fellow bloggers, local articles and reviews, as well as the mainstream guidebooks. Whilst I wind up in touristy places from time to time (and it’s worth bearing in mind that a place usually attracts tourists for a good reason, so you would be foolish to shun such places completely), I like to take a more independent approach to travel and look for the places recommended in local restaurant guides/blogs.

At the end of the day, everyone has different tastes and mine may not be your cup of tea! But at the very least I hope that these reviews give you some inspiration to consider how best you may want to plan your epicurean travels to some of these destinations.

Plum x

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